Fortunately Martine was present at the Orphanage when the kids started to all get sick with vomiting and diarrhea. One little girl even threw up on Martines lap. She quickly got in touch with the Cuban Doctors and stayed an extra couple of days to be sure they were all getting medicine.
It's a miracle that the cots donated by Godfather Earl arrived about two weeks just before the kids got sick or else they would still be sleeping on the ground and sick.
Security Progress:
"Mission Love Seeds" in Destin through a grant from The Grace Foundation, is having new strong steel gates built for super security and they are going to be a work of art as well. Hand welded in a geometric design that can be painted to look fun too.
September Missions:
1) "Grass Roots United" is sending a Team this week to go over proper sanitation procedures with the children, also a Doctor. They want to assist us in setting up this new orphanage to run very smooth.
2) Funding for a water Well is going Well with help from selling men's hair-care products donated by "Seafarers House." Presently over 1000.00 has been raised as God is an incredible E-bayer!
3) "Generous Hearts" ministry in Destin Florida has donated a check for $1000. to help us find transportation. Captain Joei is still seeking diesel transportation to ship down to the Orphanage. It is impossible to travel in any emergency situations, as well as to pick up Godparent Teams from the airport, Go to markets for food. If anyone has any vehicles they can donate or sell inexpensively, please call her at (954) 763-6733.
Donations Update: "Just what the Doctor ordered"
When the Captain of vessel "Rum Cay Grace" called in February and said they would take a van full of donations to the wharf in Carrefour for us, it was perfect timing to bring life support to our Godkids that just survived the Catastrophe.
While loading it aboard the vessel in Miami, the ships medic/Doctor Rich (a Veteran just back from the war zones) was informed about the kids. He immediately Volunteered to go examine them.
His extensive report found many problems with the kids, but almost all of the reports said they needed "Skin Lotion and Hair Conditioner" to stop the flaking and heat rashes.
In almost no time at all the miracle call came in from Royal Caribbean Cruiselines: "Do the kids need donations of Lotion and Conditioner?" (The same place the hundreds of Pillows came from)...
They sent the designated "Haiti Relief" cases directly to the shipping terminal in Miami for us. Praise God there is now lots of it for the Children, The Church, Clinic and Old folks home too.
Thanks to Robert Stryhanyn and his family donation of funding for a truck from the ship in Haiti to the Orphanage, 300 Pillows, 24 cots, and many Cases of Lotion and Hair conditioner arrived at the Orphanage at night, in the rain, aboard 2 pickup trucks/top-tops.
Amazing we finally have a way to get these donated items to them. A second truck load from the same ship delivered 30 more cases just last week...God is working! Ship-owner, Gladys in bottom photo below.
"We have to help the Children" she said with a serious looking smile...and she sure has already.
Thrilled to inform you all that a LOT more donations are on the way by the end of September.
On Friday Sept 3rd, in Ft. Lauderdale, we brave 3 rented a U-haul truck with donations provided by Lesley Warrick, Executive Director of "Seafarers House" in Port Everglades Florida
Captain Joei, Godsister Meg Iannaccone, Godbrother's Dana Schilbrock and Robert Whitlow spent 12 hours sorting, packing, taping, loading, delivering....then unloading and palletizing 10 full pallets to be shipped to the Orphanage. About half of what was there. We went through 1200 feet of purple duct tape!
Special thanks to Godbrother Robert Whitlow (above) for getting us the warehouse space in Ft. Lauderdale for over 6 months now, which still houses about half the donations arrived in Ft. Lauderdale since the earthquake.
These donations are still arriving from so many Godparents like Jane Carron from "Generous Hearts" drove for 2 days each way to bring us the boxes Meg is loading on a pallet in the photo left.
Thank you Captain Jack for the big red chair, and the little refrigerator ... of all things we off loaded, that big red chair was a super Hit with Gladys who owns the 250' ship and donates the shipping. She has accepted it as a thank you gift for her house in Haiti...for being our shipping Angel.
"Big Mama" (above) and her "Team of Life" here in Ft. Lauderdale donated over 100 boxes of relief supplies. Used sails and a big pile of wood were donated from Godbrother John Muir of "Shake a Leg Miami". Even people who had yard-sales donated a lot.
Get signed up NOW for the October Godparenting trip. Special prayers for our own transportation before then. Be a part of helping these adorable little ones we call our "Godchildren".