Saturday, June 18, 2011


School in Haiti is winding down for the year. In a few weeks they will break for the summer vacation and won't return until September. Mirna, Angelo, Roodyna, Patrick and Michaelle are among the 7 children who are getting ready to "sit" for their national exam to see if they move to the equivalent of Junior High School in the States. 

While Rootchy and Iventon are among our 3 students who will be sitting in to take their exams to determine if they move on to the equivalent of High School.  So Please say a special prayer for all our God-children to pass the exam.

Friday, May 6, 2011



A writer who was preparing the biography of Winston Churchill, re-read the list of persons who most affected the life of this great man. When finished, Churchill said:

"You forgot the most important person mother!"

 A mother can have a tremendous impact around her.
Take the example of the mother and the grandmother of Timothy, Paul tells us in 2Tim.1.2-5:
"I thank God that my ancestors have served, and whom I serve with a pure conscience, that night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers, remembering your tears, and wishing to see you in order to be filled with joy, having been reminded of the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, in thee also. " 
Or when Paul says in 2Tim.3.15 always, about his mother's background:
"From childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. " 
A mother is a being who will leave no one indifferent. She always leaves a lasting mark of good or evil (or a little of both) in her children’s lives. 

Bonne Fête Des Mères
Bòn fèt ak tout manman. Sante, jwa, lanmou ankò yon lòt fwa lanmou, respè ak rekonesans pou nou tout 
It’s tough to be a mother. They make mistakes like the rest of us. So what makes for a great mother?
She is loving, tender and caring.
The softness of her touch and voice leave an impressionable mark on her children;
She sacrifices herself for her children;

She embodies God’s command on forgiveness.
She sets the tone of her home.

In Haiti, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Throughout the week before the last Sunday, there are little baskets of flowers known as "Fleurs de Mères" (Mothers' Flowers) which are sold everywhere on the streets of Port-au-Prince and come in various colors to be pinned on clothing. Rose or red flowers signifies that your mother is living. White or purple symbolizes that your mother passed away.

If you have not gotten in touch with your mother lately, call her today and let her know how much you appreciate and love her.  BE A MOTHER TO YOUR MOTHER TODAY!


 Aussi loin que nous puissions remonter dans notre mémoire,
Tu étais là.

De notre naissance en passant par le berceau et jusqu’à nos premiers pas,
Tu étais là.
Quand nous étions effrayés, tristes ou malades,
Tu étais là.
Quand nous revenions de jouer dehors ou de l’école,
Tu étais là.
 Que ce soit pour préparer nos repas,
Tu étais là.
Et ce n’est pas tout, bien des gens, parents ou amis se souviennent de ta présence auprès d’eux. Pour les soutenir dans leurs malheurs ou pour partager leurs joies,
                                       Tu étais là.

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes tous réunis en ce lieu pour te dire combien nous t’aimons et pour  te remercier de ta présence constante auprès de nous. Mais il y a cependant une chose dont nous sommes certains, c’est que pour nous tous, quoi qu’il advienne,
                                                   Tu seras toujours là.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Recently we discovered the word “Kaizen (Japanese for “improvement” or “change for the better”) refers to a philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, supporting business processes, and management…”

Over the last few months we have been taking small steps at our Small Community of Family-Kominote Ti Fanmi Nou  in Haiti that have been leading us to continued improvements which eventually will help us achieve some great accomplishments.

We'll be showing these changes as they occur, starting with our kitchen which has undergone a great amount of change.  It looks a lot different from January 2010. Thanks to the help of some great friends and partners,  IMC and Robert Nutter, we’ve improved our kitchen take a look below:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

WELCOME "HAITI'S HOPE" To Diakonos International's "K.T.F.N.D" Home in Haiti!

Special Update:  Jan 2011 - Feb 2011:

Pastor Jay with our very own artist, Roodchy and K.T.F.N.D.'s kids

On Jan 12th 2010 the Catastrophic earthquake shook a lot of lives in Haiti, especially in Carrefour, Leogane, Jacmel and Port-au-Prince. Diakonos International's Family flew down to the island of Hispanola right away. It took Martine, her Sister Marie and a Pediatrician Dr. Johanne Dupiton (photo on the left) weeks to gather all our Godkids, who were now left homeless, in despair, and without safe schools to return to. Even though they were at the epicenter, all the children were alive... a real true Miracle from God!

Liony with the girls of K.T.F.N.D.
On Jan 12th 2011, there could not have been a more perfect day for God to send Pastor Jay and Liony from South Florida's "Haiti's Hope". They brought comfort and lent a shoulder to all our devastated little survivors. They also brought new rubber shoes for everyone. They prayed and shared God's love with each other the way a real family does on such a day. 
On their return to the USA we received a special gift from them - this wonderful video of their trip and our Godchildren!  Make sure to turn on your speakers to hear the awesome music!

Beni swa l'Etenel! English = Praise God!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


DEC. 2010 - Jan. 2011
Merry After Christmas and Happy After Holy Days! 
(By our very own Capt.Joei)
Over a month without a good camera, another month with no phone or Internet. All back online as of yesterday, when there is power, thanks to an anonymous donation of 200. Plz stand by for New photos, School Report cards and a brief history of each child, next week, when Martine will get a break from flying/working.
So very Proud to announce that 2 of our Godkids James Angelo Maurice and Mirlande Michel are in the top 4 of the entire school grades. Holding 1st and 2nd place respectively....Bravo Smart kids!  Last month she knew buying food was most important. A few of the extra donations we sent on the pallets were sold or traded for food, with our blessings.

The last 5 pallets from last years donations arrived the first week of DEC...Including a new Digital Camera, TV and DVD Player all stowed personally by the cook of the ship for us. Also some coffee pots, tools, sweaters, light bulbs, and even an office chair! YaaY 

Martine flew to Haiti (carrying a huge Turkey and a giant Ham) on Christmas Day for an extravagant Christmas Dinner for the kids.  She brought Christmas Toy gifts from Ms.Lucille Lefear, who this year donated most of the toys along with Martine's children. 
With so much to do, we forgot to ask Santa for 15 bunkbeds...we have to set up and break down the temporary cots because they don't all fit in the bedrooms all at one time.  
Presently there are still 2 chickens of the 15 big Yummy chickens (not for eggs) donated in November by "JUDE JEROME" The kids say all the others were delicious! DONATE A CHICKEN TO THE GOD-CHILDREN CLICK HERE
Great News: NGO "I.M.C." along with Haiti Godfather Elysee and his faithful right-hand man, Domond are busy finding parts to hook up our 12 volt batteries and 2000 watt back-up inverter. The Battery Charger we did send is not charging. They are also going to start fixing everything in the house (we pray). A load of clean gravel is there and the dining room is being fixed up. "Food for the Poor" was rumored to have stopped by with no food.

 Christmas Eve working. What a wonderful mess!

"Diakonos International" made a very special "Thanks" to everyone who helps our little Earthquake Survivors. Hosted by Trimaran "Raptor", in the "Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade" on DEC 11th. Our Host, Trimaran "Raptor", was all dressed up for our little Home for Children in Haiti to say "Thanks" to all who send Love, Prayers and Donations from USA... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...THANKS! 

Volunteer Team "Raptor" spent 2 weeks decorating with over 12,000 lights, then hoisted a handmade LED "Haitian" Flag, a Big sign "THANKS" and a lit USA FLAG. The clear message "HAITI THANKS USA"  (video of Capt. Joei's house after the Parade).
With 19 of us aboard, Martine was dressed in a frilly white dress and her stunning, yet wrong shoes, (they came off at the dock), dancing barefoot, just like in Haiti to "Kompa" Christmas music, everyone aboard tried to copy her...too funny!

Also aboard were the very well behaved US Marine corps "Young Marines" who Volunteer with"Toys for Tots" program.  It was aired live on Comcast cable, rebroadcast on Fox Sports Net, local channel 7 WSVN during the entire season and is still showing...
"Diakonos" was extremely blessed to be an entry during the most watched televised event in the state of Florida. 7th most watched event in the USA...and actually mentioned on TV! 
Thanks to our entry in this years Parade, "Toys for Tots" was kind enough to donate 3 cases of toy Trucks, and 38 "Sailor Mickey Mouse" toys that talk saying "Merry Christmas" and "Ahoy Matey"
for awesome Christmas Presents. They were brought to Miami and Palletized for shipping to Haiti.
