A writer who was preparing the biography of Winston Churchill, re-read the list of persons who most affected the life of this great man. When finished, Churchill said:
"You forgot the most important person ...my mother!"
A mother can have a tremendous impact around her.
Take the example of the mother and the grandmother of Timothy, Paul tells us in 2Tim.1.2-5:
"I thank God that my ancestors have served, and whom I serve with a pure conscience, that night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers, remembering your tears, and wishing to see you in order to be filled with joy, having been reminded of the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, in thee also. "
Or when Paul says in 2Tim.3.15 always, about his mother's background:
"From childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. "
A mother is a being who will leave no one indifferent. She always leaves a lasting mark of good or evil (or a little of both) in her children’s lives.
Bonne Fête Des Mères Bòn fèt ak tout manman. Sante, jwa, lanmou ankò yon lòt fwa lanmou, respè ak rekonesans pou nou tout |
She is loving, tender and caring.
The softness of her touch and voice leave an impressionable mark on her children;
She sacrifices herself for her children;
She embodies God’s command on forgiveness.
She sets the tone of her home.
In Haiti, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of the month. Throughout the week before the last Sunday, there are little baskets of flowers known as "Fleurs de Mères" (Mothers' Flowers) which are sold everywhere on the streets of Port-au-Prince and come in various colors to be pinned on clothing. Rose or red flowers signifies that your mother is living. White or purple symbolizes that your mother passed away.
If you have not gotten in touch with your mother lately, call her today and let her know how much you appreciate and love her. BE A MOTHER TO YOUR MOTHER TODAY!
Aussi loin que nous puissions remonter dans notre mémoire,
Tu étais là.
De notre naissance en passant par le berceau et jusqu’à nos premiers pas,
Tu étais là.
Quand nous étions effrayés, tristes ou malades,
Tu étais là.
Quand nous revenions de jouer dehors ou de l’école,
Tu étais là.
Que ce soit pour préparer nos repas,
Tu étais là.
Et ce n’est pas tout, bien des gens, parents ou amis se souviennent de ta présence auprès d’eux. Pour les soutenir dans leurs malheurs ou pour partager leurs joies,
Tu étais là.
Aujourd’hui, nous sommes tous réunis en ce lieu pour te dire combien nous t’aimons et pour te remercier de ta présence constante auprès de nous. Mais il y a cependant une chose dont nous sommes certains, c’est que pour nous tous, quoi qu’il advienne,
Tu seras toujours là.